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                   Digital Humanities Capstone Projects

                Click image and then "Go to link" to view projects 

Beckett's Couch

Hilarious and well-thought project that explores Samuel Beckett's works through a spectator-response experiment. Beckett may have approved of the creativity and humor here. Perhaps.

Snow in Midsummer

Well-researched project on Guan Hanquing's Snow in Midsummer

To Business

The short film represents the first "episode" of Sophie Treadwell's Machinal envisioned as part of a made-for-tv or made-for-web series. This was written and performed by Theater major, Heather Dickson. While this is part of a larger project, the film is the star of the show. Enjoy!

Beckett, the experiment

Brief experimental project that casts Beckett's characters through twitter and social media

Langston Hughes

The works and life of Langston Hughes

Almighty Voice and His Wife

Ambitious project exploring Almighty Voice and His Wife--a newly canonized play by Canadian Aboriginal playwright, Daniel David Moses

Sophocles: Greek Playwright

A glimpse into the work, life, and legacy of Sophocles

Trifles: The Tumblr

Ever imagine Trifles played out in contemporary media? So has this student. The Trifles Tumblr is a fun experimental project.

Samuel Beckett

Excellent project that examines the work of Samuel Beckett

August Wilson

An excellent project exploring the life and work of August Wilson

The Role of Women in Trifles

Women in Trifles and Trifling Women. Excellent, well-researched project examining Glaspell's use of real-world murder and creative symbolism.

Shakespeare's Ha-Ha Moments

Explores the comedies written by William Shakespeare

All About Trifles

A look at Glaspell's Trifles

Analysis and Conspiracy Theory

Conspiracy in Hanquing's Snow in Midsummer

Snow in Midsummer

Examines the injustices done to character Dou E in Guan Hanqing's gorgeous play Snow in Midsummer

Fun with Aristophanes

Experimental project that brings contemporary fun to exploring Aristophanes.

Trifles: The story in-depth

A journalist's approach to Trifles

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